Championship Show 2001



The Southern Irish Terrier Society held a CH show at Minstead where BIS was Stanchills Sally; RBIS Yewood Paddy Freeman & BP Jacmire Star Performer at Montelle.

Movement might be reflecting restricted opportunities from the Foot & Mouth outbreak.  Some promising dogs would benefit from positive handling, remember Irish are terriers not lap dogs.  Feet were good but some could have been tighter with correct exercising.

Special Beginner Dog (2)
1st  Russell's PENMIRE SIMPLY RED good size, ears, clear eyes.  Needs to settle, coat will improve with more experienced trimming.

Minor Puppy Dog & Puppy Dog (2)
1st  Bradley's JACMIRE STAR PERFORMER AT MONTELLE movement typical puppy lacking discipline.  Quality young Irish, good ears & eyes in clean head giving real Irish expression, good neck, well laid shoulders, correct length of back, well set tail, straight front, good depth of brisket, will improve as he matures, good hind musculature, well laid back hocks, one to take home.  RCC

Junior Dog (1)
1st  Cunnington's PLYMSTAFF HEIR APPARENT good ears, dark eye, well laid shoulders, strong back, good tailset & angulated quarters.  More positive movement needed.

Novice Dog (2)
1st  Russell's PENMIRE SIMPLY RED.

Post Graduate Dog (2)
1st Rowley's SUNROW QUINN would like more of him for true masculinity.  Balanced for size, good hard condition, well laid shoulders, strong back, good set, quality feet.  Movement not at his best.

Limit Dog (5)
1st Brown's YEWOOD PADDY FREEMAN quality young Irish, put down in quality condition, typy head, dark eye, well placed ears in clean skull, good length of neck, strong shoulders, good back & set on, well muscled quarters, good feet, eager young dog requiring & getting quality handling to show sound movement.  DCC & RBIS
2nd  Bentley's NEWGUILD MAJESTY strong dog, lots of type, good ears, length of head.  Needs closer finish on shoulders.  Good set on, powerful quarters, well handled.  3.  Rowley's SUNROW QUINN.

Open Dog (4)
1st Seabridge's SUJONCLA BLACKFOOT typy, good ears, up to size but good balance, nice set on, good quarters, hard condition, straight front & rear, good movement, well handled but ready for a new jacket.
2nd Rowley's SUNROW QUINN.

Veteran Dog (1):  Absent

Special Beginner Bitch (3)
1st  Seabridge's SUJONCLA CROW feminine head but ears need to settle, quality jacket & presentation, moved well.
2nd  Tritton's JACMIRE LADY IN RED typy, rather overawed by the occasion, quality head, needs to mature.  BPB

Minor Puppy Bitch (2)
1st  Tritton's JACMIRE LADY IN RED.
2nd  Bamsey's JACMIRE MY GIRL another from this promising litter, still developing in musculature & confidence.

Puppy Bitch (3)
1st  Bamsey's JACMIRE MY GIRL.

Junior Bitch (7)
1st  Brown's YEWOOD AMBER balanced bitch, quality head, good eye & ears, clean skull, good neck, well laid shoulders, good length of back.  Well set, developing quarters, good feet, quality jacket, positive movement, well handled. RCC 
2nd  Symond's GABLEDOWN FLEUR good head, feminine expression, good length of neck, well laid shoulders, well muscled back, good set on, good quarters.  Needs to settle in movement.
3rd  Seabridge's SUJONCLA CROW.

Novice Bitch (4)
1.  Bradley's MONTELLE CELTIC STAR not so settled on the move, good head, ears, clean skull, nice length of neck, good shoulders, topline & set on, good quarters.
2nd  Symond's GABLEDOWN FLEUR.
3rd  Bamsey's JACMIRE MY GIRL.

Post Graduate Bitch (10)
1st  Seabridge's GABLEDOWN BELLE FLEUR AT SUJONCLA well balanced bitch, well put down.  Not too thrilled with the outing, moved well with sympathetic handling.
2nd  O'Brien & Looker's EDBRIOS SINEAD TOO good real Irish head & expression, correct size, nicely balanced, neat feet, moved well.

Limit Bitch (6) 
1st  Smith's TUBERSEASA ROSIE'S DREAM typy, good head, ears & eyes, well balanced overall, nice set on, in hard condition, good jacket, well put down, moved soundly.  Pigmentation could be better.
2nd  Nichols' TIOBRAID ROSE well balanced, of good size, quality head & expression, good shoulders, back & set on.  Needed to settle on the move.

Open Bitch (6)
1st  Clark's STANCHILLS SALLY quality bitch in hard condition, quality jacket, in good order, good length of head, keen eye, correct ears, elegant neck, well laid shoulders, strong back, good set on, well muscled quarters, good feet, moved soundly with quality handling.  CC & BIS 
2nd  Lloyd's CH BRAZEN SOMETHING ABOUT MARY TO TRUSTGOOD quality bitch, well balanced, good jacket, typy expression, good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, good set, strong quarters, good feet, moved well.

Veteran Bitch (1) 
1st  Ruffles' RUFFMAR BRONZED ORCHID 11 years, enjoying her outing, good example of the breed, true Irish, still moving soundly, quality jacket which does credit to her owner.